TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Wed, 05 May 2004 11:08:38 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] A naive question about discharge elongation

Hi Marco,

I agree, everything that I've looked at refers to DC fields,
50/60Hz AC, single pulses, etc.   Nothing I've seen (outside of
the TC community) reports measurements on repetitive bursts of

We know from experience that HV RF punches out much longer
discharges that could reasonably be expected from the less
fierce waveforms normally studied.

It seems reasonable to assume that there are optimum parameters
for RF frequency, burst length, and repetition rate, just
waiting to be found and accounted for.

> Is the TC long discharge mechanism analysed, modeled and
> known in the literature or isn't?

I don't think it is.  Single, isolated half cycles are often
discussed, but these seem to be quite of long duration, eg 100's
of uS.   I've seen some fairly sophisticated models of the
leader formation process taking place during an isolated half
cycle, but nothing which takes account of previous half cycles,
existing leader channels and space charge, etc.

But others on this list are better acquainted with the literature.
Paul Nicholson

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.