TSSP: List Archives

From: "Denicolai, Marco"
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 15:05:17 +0300
Subject: RE: [TSSP] Secondary dynamic Efield

Hi Malcolm, 

> If not there then where? 

On the top of the toroid

>Anything external is going to 
> distort the external e-field sin't it? 

Yes, but we can pre-distort it in a known way.

Ok, I'll explain.

Even if the water column divider (I suppose you are now familiar with
what I'm trying to build) was hanging 50 m from any grounded point, it
would be self-compensated (my target) only if the Efield from top to
bottom is constant.
The other way round, even if it was sitting on the floor, it would be
compensated if I could make the Efield constant all over it's height.

A third possibility is to vary the water column resistance according to
the changing Efield.
Imagine a tube full of water hanging from the roof, one end touching the
TC toroid (3 m height), the other end at 6 m height connected to a
grounded toroid. A probe hanging from the roof enclosed between two big

Now, the Efield is higher near the TC toroid, decreases up to 1.5m and
then is almost constant. We just build the first 1.5 m of the probe with
tube of growing inner diameter. We thus achieve R*C=constant that is the
target for a compensated resistive divider.

I reached a good compromise using 5 different tube sections, from 50 mm
to 70 mm inner diameter. I've got field simulation of the whole TC,
probe and toroids and they look so good that we are really going to
build this thing, starting from 2 weeks from now. I'll be next week on
vacation so nothing will happen then.

To have an idea look at:


You can see there the Efield (in color), the equipotential lines, the
Efield curve along the probe height (when the probe isn't there) and its
approximation (the stepped curve) when the probe is in place. The probe
ratio is about 1:600.

Best Regards

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