My First Tesla Coil
4 inch coil generating 55 inch arc to ground
I've always wanted to build a Tesla Coil because I've always been fascinated by the
display of the arcs they put out. With a lot of research and a million questions answered
by Greg Hunter, my first project was a huge success. I would not have been able to
accomplish this without his help. Thanks Greg!
Visit for lots of great and helpful information.
Also, thanks to Terry Fritz for hosting this site!
Because of the surprising results I've been able to achieve with my first attempt, I thought
I'd try to share what I did and what I went through to accomplish this.
To see it in action, choose from below!
Garage (with breakpoint) (1.7M .avi)
Garage (with breakpoint) (1.06M .wmv)
Outside (without breakpoint) (2.4M .avi)
Outside (without breakpoint) (886K .wmv)
4 inch Tesla Coil Components: