Wild Bill Emery and I (with help from Max Hempel) have built a large coil. 19 inches diameter, 57 inches long, wound with 14 gauge enamel wire. Caps are three to four 0.02 ufd pulse discharge caps in parallel. Gap is a tungstan rotary in series with a cylinder gap made from 3 inch diameter copper pipe. Power is a 14.4 kv, 15 kva pig. The most current top is a 6 foot diameter, 22 inch cross section toroid made from styrofoam sheets and aluminum screen wire and aluminum tape. Largest sparks indoors are 12 feet - we will be setting up outdoors soon and expect to push out to near 15 feet.
[63k] Note the spark headed toward the camera, striking a ground wire which
was suspended from wall to wall.
[59k] A rather weak spark hitting the door - 11 feet, nice strong floor hits.
[55k] The spark on the left actually nailed the aluminum ladder.