High Voltage Power Supply Units
Popular Tesla Coil PSUs
Coilers use a wide variety of HV
PSUs. Here is a quick summary from smallest to largest.
Currently, this page will only go into detail on NSTs. More PSUs will be
covered here as I gain experience.
OBIT - oil burner ignition transformer,
MOT - microwave oven transformer, typically voltage is a little low and you have
to make series/parallel connections
NST - neon sign transformer, ideal for coils with up to 5 ft arc output, easily
damaged by TC service
PT - potential transformer, requires ballast circuitry
PIG - distribution transformers like the ones you see on light poles.
Most coilers use 5-20KVA, 14KV units. Requires ballast circuitry
Neon Sign Transformers (NST)
This is what you might find at your local Sign Shop I just got my hands on these 60 ma
NSTs. I found them at a small shop that makes Neon Signs and does sign repair in
general. From many months of searching I found that small shops are the best and
DON'T rely on phone calls. Richard
Quick Article on NSTs
Enhancing an NST
NSTs are current limited transformers. This means that a NST will only produce a fixed amount of current regardless of the output load. The current is limited by using packs of metal shunts to "short circuit" the flux from the primary and prevent it from intersecting the secondary. The current limit may be adjusted by adding or removing individual leaves in these shunts. The following pics are probably much more helpful than my ramblings...
All pics are "clickable"
Revision B (see previous work below)
Although I couldn't get it to arc over at 140V input open circuit, it displays some rather nasty flash-overs when integrated with the RC filter and spark gap. The flash over usually occurs when trying to ignite the gap. I coated both the inboard and outboard edges of the NST secondary coils with epoxy. I made some acrylic "C" shaped parts that wrap around the secondaries. The NST originally had a tar paper version of this when it was potted.
I decided to stick with lower voltages and run the NST at its rated input. I rewired my control box to only supply 120 VAC. I adjusted the shunts in the NST to allow for about 200ma at the lower 116V input voltage. Between the lower voltages and better insulation, I hope that cured the flash-over problem.
Here is the new test data
Vin (volts) | I in (amps) | I out (ma) |
48 | 6.5 | 50 |
60 | 9 | 75 |
72 | 13.5 | 100 |
84 | 18.5 | 125 |
95 | 22 | 150 |
106 | 25 | 175 |
114 | 26.5 | 197 |
Vin was measured with a Wavetek 27XT. (I out) was measured with a Simpson 200ma analog meter. (I in) was measured with the cheap current meter on my control box. It's not very accurate but is handy in showing a trend. My output current goes up to a solid 200ma and the input current drops to 20.5A with the addition of the 135uF PFC cap.
Revision A (see previous work below)
The original configuration displayed occasional flash-over problems when running the variac at settings above 120V. Had a problem with the NST HV bushings arcing to an angle bracket used to support the plexi deck. I removed the angle bracket. I removed the Kapton tape from the sides of the E core and replaced it with electical tape and scraps of PE from a milk jug.
Preliminary testing of the de-potted NST
Voltage Input was 134-136VAC from my controller
Input Current |
Output Current |
# of leaves per shunt |
13.5A | 107ma | 14 |
17A | 128ma | 12 |
19A | 150ma | 10 |
22A | 175ma | 8 |
30++ A | 300ma | 0 |
Results of adding a 135uF PFC
capacitor to my ENST on the "8 leaves / shunt" setting
Note that the PFC cap almost halved the imput current while giving me slightly
more output current.
I believe that the gain in output current happened b/c the input voltage rose a
bit with the lower current demand.
Input Current |
Output Current |
PFC Value |
22 A | 175ma | 0 uF |
14.67A | 180ma | 135 uF |
I wanted to check for
saturation of the NST core at higher power levels.
Saturation should be evidenced by a steep increase in input current with respect
to output current.
The NST has 8 leaves in each of the 4 shunts and is equipped with the 135uF PFC.
I (in) | V (in) | I (out), ma |
3.5 | 65 | 50 |
5.3 | 75 | 80 |
7.27 | 95 | 100 |
9.48 | 110 | 125 |
11.92 | 120 | 150 |
14.67 | 120 | 180 |
If you plot Output Current vs
Input Current, you get a nice linear relationship.
This suggests that saturation is not a problem at this power level.